
Perfect/Imperfect Styling

With: Sandy Hogue

Developed by Sandy Hogue Hairdresser, Perfect / Imperfect training offers styling techniques to create the current trends adapted for all your clients. You will find both technical and creative content!
Become aware of the differences between the generations that make up your clientele and create a trend-inspired style for each of them Learn how to interpret trends and imagine and create diversity with trends.
Discover, create and edit textures.
3 style creations.
Use your styling products as tools.
The secret to creating imperfect beauty is a handmade styling!

Workshop: On mannequin head (provided)
Required Tools: Standard Material
Level: Advanced
For Whom: Stylistes, coloristes, owners, managers
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm
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